Radiation therapy holds a crucial role in cancer treatment, utilizing electromagnetic or particle beams to target and damage tumor tissue. Advanced medical irradiation equipment ensures precision, minimizing harm to surrounding healthy tissue. 

A significant majority of cancer patients, exceeding fifty percent, experience benefits from radiation therapy. Its effectiveness varies based on the specific cancer type, capable of curing cancer, preventing recurrence, or halting growth. Often, radiation therapy is complemented by drug therapy or surgical procedures. 

An innovative progression in radiation therapy involves the application of ion beams, particularly beneficial for patients with tumors resistant to traditional electromagnetic or particle beam treatments. 

It’s worth noting that low-frequency electromagnetic therapy, commonly employed in alternative medicine for cancer treatment, is not conventionally associated with the term irradiation therapy. Symec Engineers also offers the best gamma irradiation plant. 

What is radiation therapy? 

Radiation therapy is among the standard medical procedure used to treat cancer. Under radiation therapy, cancer cells are targeted with x-rays, gamma rays, etc. to either destroy or damage them. 

In the human body, cells generally undergo growth and division to generate new ones. Radiation therapy functions by causing minor breaks within the DNA of these cells, impeding their growth and division, ultimately leading to their demise. It’s crucial to acknowledge that radiation emitted by medical sterilization or irradiation devices may also impact nearby healthy cells. In most cases, these cells recover and return to normal functioning. 

Unlike chemotherapy and other treatments administered orally or by injection, which circulate throughout the entire body, radiation therapy is primarily localized. This means it is directed at and primarily influences the specific area of the body requiring treatment. Meticulous planning ensures that radiation treatments minimize harm to adjacent healthy cells while effectively targeting and damaging cancerous cells. 

Is radiotherapy safe? 

Teletherapy, administered using specialized equipment subjected to rigorous medical sterilization procedures overseen by highly skilled healthcare professionals, is a secure procedure. While patients may experience side effects, there is no radiation risk to others, including doctors or family members present during treatment. 

It’s crucial to emphasize that teletherapy does not render patients radioactive. The associated risks with brachytherapy are also minimal. In brachytherapy, where a radioactive source is temporarily placed inside the patient, stringent hospital protocols are in place to shield staff and the public from radiation exposure.  

In the case of permanent implants, they are strategically positioned to ensure that radiation is absorbed by the tumor. Doctors conduct thorough checks to confirm sufficiently low radiation levels before releasing the patient from the hospital, prioritizing their safety.

Radiotherapy stands as a potent treatment, with millions of patients undergoing this procedure annually to fight various types of cancer. The therapeutic effects of radiotherapy become evident gradually, often not immediately, with noticeable impacts on the tumor appearing days, weeks, or even months after the treatment concludes.
Symec Engineers Private Limited empowers food and healthcare enterprises to leverage the advantages of gamma irradiation sterilization technology. Our company offers secure, dependable, and cutting-edge medical irradiation plant services customized for medical products and devices, ensuring their safety and efficacy.