Irradiation and pros and cons
Irradiation is the simple process, exposing an item to radiations. These radiations are not restricted to any particular source. However, irradiation does not include exposing an item to non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiations include, microwave, infrared and other radiations from different electronic devices. There are different uses of irradiation. It is used for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. It is also used in agriculture for the growth of popular strains of different crops. Industrial use can also be seen of radiations especially for the improvement of chemical and mechanical properties of different items for curing of composite material along with other different uses. You will find that sterilization is also one of the things that can be achieved using radiations. Sterilization of equipment of medical importance and the sterilization of food are two uses of radiations that are common when it comes to killing bacteria, whether harmful or useful.
Irradiation of food is one of the topics that people are very confused about. They have always been afraid of radiations and why shouldn’t they be? We have seen the effects of radiations when people were exposed to them in different parts of the world. It is almost like a stigma that is attached to radiations. When it comes to consumption of food that has been exposed to radiations, people will mostly refuse straight away. There are results that show how dangerously irradiated food is for humans and animals. Deaths and cell damage are just two of the many things that were experienced when the irradiated food was used by animals and humans respectively. When a disease like cancer is seen to be one of the biggest results of too much exposure to radiations, who would want to take a risk anyway?
What are irradiators?
The job of irradiators is to expose items to radiations for different purposes like sterilization. Common products that irradiators are used for food products, fruits, medical equipment and food containers. This does not make radioactive elements accumulate on the products nor does it make the products unfit for use. Different laws regulate the use of these irradiators for with products of public consumption. Radioactive sealed sources are used when irradiators have to function.
Sealed sources cannot be taken for granted. You have to protect workers from exposure to radiations and that is why sealed sources ask for a lot of attention at all times. Commercial irradiators do not put people at risk because they are specially designed to fulfill their purpose and maintain a safe environment. Public life is preserved against radiations by using shielding that works to contain the radiations from spreading. The irradiators are designed to conduct tests and experiments for different purposes in a safe environment where the life of workers is not at stake. The irradiators are important because there are not many other ways that the very important experiments can be carried out. That is why irradiators are registered and a license is provided to its owners so that they can be kept under strict checks and their use can be regulated.