Have you heard before about food irradiation? If no, then let us tell you something about this.

Irradiation is the method of exposing materials to radiation in order to accomplish serious technical goals including medical applications, gemstones, plastics, and automobile parts.

But when we talk about FOOD irradiation then in this process, food is kept exposed to ionizing radiation to destroy bacteria microorganisms and other viruses. It is one of the most widely used methods of food preservation and a number of countries have already started working on this technology.

An Overview

With the advancement in technology, nuclear science became the most crucial part of food irradiation that helped maintain food quality. Not only this but the electromagnetic radiations such as X-rays, gamma rays, and electron beams were passed onto the food that kills the most harmful bacteria while controlling insect growth as well. The major influence of nuclear science kills microorganisms that can cause food to decay or can cause illnesses. The biggest advantage of using nuclear science for food irradiation is that it helps extend the food products’ shelf life.

What Happens in Food Irradiation?

When ionizing radiation penetrates through a food product then some sort of energy is already getting absorbed by some chemical bonds and these bonds later on rupture while producing free radicals that are unstable. During this process, the bonds get connected with the adjacent compounds and the final output comes in the form of radiolytic compounds that possess similar properties of the compounds that are generated by producing heat.

The Satey Factor Of Irradiated Food

Science has proved that there is no such great risk behind using irradiated food. We must always remember that irradiated food is always non-radioactive and hence there is not even a single study that has shown that consuming irradiated food may cause cancer.

In today’s world, another fact we should consider is that no food is really safe. But, implementing proper sanitization and systematic food production should always be there. There is evidence that showcases the significance of irradiated food over nonirradiated food. It is because irradiated food reduces the microbial presence and there exists no need for fumigants for the quarantine process of products. However, food can anytime be irradiated after packaging as well which helps reduce the main cause of contamination. But, looking closer into it, once the packet is opened by the user, the food again becomes more susceptible to the microorganism contamination thoroughly.

How To Check If Food Is Irradiated?

To check whether the food is irradiated or not, you just need to check the radura symbol in green color printed by the retail food product manufacturer. On the other hand, a number of food processors may mention some additional information about the product mentioning- ‘ This product is treated with irradiation in order to stop spoilage’, etc.

Down the line, it becomes quite clear that using nuclear science in food irradiation would always be a plus point since it will always protect you from the infected food material.